Monday, October 1, 2007

Todo sobre mi madre

My mother is a fan of onomatopoeia. When your plate has food stuck to it, you must "scrabble" it clean. When things go a bit haywire or space is cramped, it is "crunky." My family loves this about her.

And here we are:

Crunky Chocolate. It tastes very much like Nestle Crunch. It's new!

1 comment:

Waylo said...

Don't forget the "flurry" that occurs when things are fuzzy and/or blurry. I am not really sure what the proper usage of this mom-ism is.

Maybe it would also be an appropriate word for when things are also both fluffy and worried. Like a bunny watching its offspring getting eaten by a jackal. Man, that's major flurriness.