As I'm currently on the verge of being employed (quite different from being unemployed), I've been taking a few tips from the main character of Nick Hornby's About A Boy (no doubt, Nick Hornby himself). Namely, I pass the hours of the day by setting up specific goals to accomplish. And by hours of the day, I really mean days of the week.
Monday: the aforementioned omiyage. (From this point on, I will italicize all Japanese words. It looks cool, and I've seen it in reputable sources. I will continue to do this until a) I forget or b) I immerse myself so completely into Japanese culture that I begin to italicize English words.)
I drove up to my old haunt (Gwinnett Place Mall) with my mom, and we made our way to a shop that specializes in delicacies made in the good ol' South. I purchased candied pecans, peach preserves and a fancy tin with a peach logo and "Atlanta, GA" emblazoned on the front. The tin will be filled with jelly beans from Sam Walton's club.
Afterward, we examined the mall directory to locate a store that might specialize in trinkets of the Atlantan variety. No such luck, but we did pick up some keychains and a pewter Georgia spoon from a card shop. One point of interest: the mall directory has gotten a lot less specific from when I last perused one. Instead of letters and numbers to indicate location, there were simply letters. Thus, a rather huge portion of the mall was labeled "E." It took a few awkward left-right-left looks before I knew where to go.
Today: I got a haircut. Seeing as how it is roughly four weeks before I begin teaching, I will certainly need another one in order to make a good impression. It will be a Japanese haircut.
Tomorrow: I will go to the bank. I will begin packing.
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